Wild Horses

060115_8939ASMGood morning,

This is one of the youngsters at Return To Freedom – Wild Horse Sanctuary.
You know I want to share something. I love horses. Always have. We have our own at home. But there is something about wild horses that wakes me up at a very deep core level that is beyond what words can explain….. When connecting with the wild horses it seems that we remember a time when we were completely free and wild like they are. I love when things, and people, animals and behavior do not have to fit in a box…

After my life changing event I could relate to them even more so because I saw their fight and flight as the same reaction that happened in my Post Traumatic Stress, the same intense and deep reaction, different but also the same. And when being with them there is no agenda possible. They – like all horses – see right through us and our intentions, they are allergic to hidden agendas, they do react to pretense with running the other direction. If we in fact take the time and drop all our expectations and agendas and connect with them on this very deep level we get rewarded by an intimacy and an honest communication that every cell in our body feels.

I encourage you – if you are at all interested – to seek an experience that connects you on this level. You will always remember it.

Have a beautiful day, my friends. 

About Claudia Mardel

I love beauty in it's wondrous forms and aspects. Capturing moments that speak to the heart and soul, capturing a face, a movement, light, the magic of a relationship, and esp. the horses with their own magic, grace and beauty. I have done many different things in my life from being an elementary school teacher, a massage therapist, a barefoot trimmer, a world traveler, a diver, sailor, lover of horses and all animals to a photographer and potter. I am a Free Spirit with a big heart and don't quite fit in a box. My intention is for you to catch that free spirit through the images I present to you and the earth creations in form of pottery I have filled with love, intentions and prayers.

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